Facelift (Rhytidectomy) and Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty) Surgery
Our face is a significant part of our overall look, it is usually the ‘first impression’ we make. A fresh complexion and a young and vibrant appearance will help you feel younger and more attractive rather than a tired face that shows the signs of age.
Facial and neck lift surgery is an effective and safe anti-aging solution to facial skin damage and general ‘wear and tear’, designed to significantly rejuvenate the appearance of the face and neck.
During surgery I will remove wrinkles resulting from the aging process on your face and / or neck and rejuvenate them using resurfacing techniques to re-tension the skin and tissues to improve the tone and texture of facial skin and a taut, contoured jaw line.
Home > Facial surgeries > Facelift (Rhytidectomy) and Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty) Surgery
About the Procedure
Our face is our projection of who we are. Our face expresses our emotions such as joy and anger, enthusiasm, and sadness. As we age, so does our facial skin, tell-tale signs of age show alongside other damage caused by exposure to the sun’s rays, genetics, smoking and poor dietary habits.
Some of us exhibit this aging process with wrinkles that appear on the sides of the eyes and near the ears, in the mouth and neck area. There is an ongoing aging process of the skin, a decrease of fat tissue in the face and neck areas causing them to sag, combined with diminished skin elasticity.
A facelift and neck lift are the perfect solution to regain a natural and fresh appearance.
Today, with the help of modern and advanced technologies, you can enjoy a natural and vibrant appearance and improve the look of the face and neck.
There are also non-surgical treatments such as laser and injections for facelifts (link).
In order to adapt the process and tailor results to your needs, I invite you to meet with me for personal consultation, before performing any procedure. During consultation we will discuss your personal wishes and I will tailor the right procedure for you, whilst explaining everything you need to know about the procedure.
This surgery is based on a technique that lifts and tightens the tissue under the skin and gives the face and neck a more natural look.
Scarring at the end of this procedure is a natural thing and depends on a number of factors including your level of health and lifestyle. Pregnancies, smoking and being overweight are some of the variables that affect scar formation, however it is important to know is that in most cases, any scarring fades within a few years.
After a facelift, you feel as if you have turned the clock back. I suggest you adopt a new skin care routine in order to maintain a long-lasting result with complementary injections and laser treatments.
כותרת סרטון הדר ישראלי מדברת על ניתוחי חזה
My Personal Tip:
When you wake up in the morning and the first thing you see in the mirror is a beautiful woman, looking natural, young, fresh and vibrant, your whole day will look accordingly. So why not?
As part of the preparation for surgery, I recommend that you undergo medical tests such as a blood test and ECG. At least two weeks before the surgery you should stop using blood thinners (Aspirin or Coumadin etc).
I will require your full medical history and whether you are taking medication regularly or temporarily.
If you are a smoker, you should stop smoking at least 8 weeks before surgery.
If you have a blood clotting problem, we will prepare for it in advance. A quantity of your blood will be drawn and stored for use should you require a blood transfusion during the operation.
During facelift and neck lift surgery, the tissues under the skin of the cheeks and chin are stretched.
The surgery is performed on two levels: a deep procedure that addresses the tightening of deep layers such as excess fat deposits and a superficial procedure that allows the removal of excess skin and thus produces a natural looking result.
Lifting and stretching are performed through three incisions made in areas of the face that allow the incisions to be easily concealed. One incision on each side of the face extending from the hairline and temple, passes through the suture line between the cheek and the ear and circles the ear below the earlobe and the hairline behind the ear. The second incision is short, about 3-4 cm long, located in the fold below the chin. This incision is made as needed and often requires no or only a small incision for liposuction.
These incisions form the concealed scar lines that remain at the end of the surgery.
The deep connective tissue in the skin is stretched and lifted via the incisions detailed above. The cheek skin is lifted and stretched towards the incisions on the sides of the face. As part of this process, the remaining excess skin will be removed. These incisions are sutured with soluble sutures within the skin and at the end of the procedure drainage tubes are temporarily placed in each cheek. It is important to note that as part of this surgery, an eyelid lift (Blepharoplasty) may be performed and also facial fat injections.
The methods I use during this procedure are common American East Coast treatment methods that allow a natural look. At the end of surgery, your face and / or neck will have bandages applied for a few days.
After surgery, you will remain in the recovery room for 1-2 hours and then be transferred to the inpatient ward for supervision. If necessary, pain relief will be given. Usually, you can be discharged from the clinic the day after surgery.
In order ensure your satisfaction with the results of the surgery, I make follow up examinations for all my patients. The first examination is scheduled at my clinic, approximately 7-10 days following surgery. If necessary, sutures will be removed at this time. However, I mostly use soluble sutures which do not need to be removed. In most cases you can return to work and basic activities after approximately two weeks. Extensive activity will only be possible after a few months.
Questions and Answers
The operation lasts between 2-4 hours.
Facelift and neck lift surgery is effective for people with multiple wrinkles in the cheeks and neck, and for those with sagging skin and soft tissues caused by a decrease in volume of the face in the upper and lower cheeks.
The surgery is not suitable for patients with unstable blood pressure.
It is important to note that this surgery solves problems of sagging tissue and excess skin but not skin texture and pigmentation or loss of volume.
Self-fat transplantation can be performed surgically to add volume and sometimes there are complementary procedures that will need to be performed to complete the process and achieve the desired result.
Preparation requires a complete stop of smoking at least 8 weeks prior to surgery. Also, I recommend you stop taking anticoagulants (such as Coumadin, Aspirin and Plavix).
I will require your full medical history and which medications you are taking temporarily or regularly.
The surgery is performed under general anesthesia in the operating room. The length of the surgery ranges from 2-4 hours.
In most cases, you will be released home the day after the operation.
After surgery, you will remain under observation in the recovery room and, if necessary, you will receive mild painkillers.
In order for me to ensure that you are recovering well and are satisfied with the results of the surgery, I will perform a number of follow-up examinations. The first check-up will take place at my clinic 7-10 days after surgery.
In most cases, you will be able to return to your daily routine and moderate activity approximately two weeks after the operation.
After surgery there is a reasonable chance that you will feel pain in the area operated on. It is a subjective feeling and therefore it is not possible to predict what the intensity of the pain you feel will be. In most cases my patients report that they did not suffer from abnormal levels of pain and after a few days returned to normal functioning and there was a significant improvement in the sensation of pain.
In rare cases, there may be increased bleeding which will require surgery to locate and arrest the source of bleeding.
In other rare cases there may be an infection which will be treated with antibiotics.
Cases of cutaneous necrosis as a result of poor blood supply to the skin are a very rare phenomenon that appears at higher risk patients and in active smokers.
Another rare phenomenon is damage to the facial nerves, which can manifest itself in local and partial paralysis of the face that passes over time. In most facial surgeries there will be a decrease in sensation in the surgical areas which will also improve over time.
The final appearance of scars will only be evident in 6-12 months after the operation and requires patience.
It is important to know that facial surgical scarring heals incredibly well in comparison to other areas of the body and combined with a gentle surgical technique and precise suturing which will leave a negligible scar.
After surgery, I will bandage the facial area with a supportive bandage, in order to protect and shape the area operated on. Hospitalization is for 24 hours.
Following surgery, strenuous exercise should be avoided for at least two weeks.
It is recommended to protect your face from sunlight after surgery by regularly wearing a hat and sunscreen.
Before and after
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